A little about me
My Story
Born to a theatre playwright and television producer I was bound to be a creative soul on a journey to express myself. Originally from Toronto, Canada I first picked up the camera at the ripe age of fifteen in Los Angeles where I began to capture the live music industry, it changed my life. The camera has given me access to cultures I would never had expected plus a career that has taken me out of my comfort zone, time and time again.
Twenty years later I was in search of that fire that fueld me to push forward. I returned to the land that birthed my flame, California. It was here I found my love for community living. The global co-living movement changed my life, again. After going down a rabbit hole of research I learned that the industry was indeed global. Linked_In and virtual meet-ups during a global pandemic offered me better networking that ever before. I soon found myeslf in Europe supporting the development of shared living communities in Spain, Amsterdam and South Africa.
Today it is my goal to build community brands as a partner in marketing, programming and operations.

Do what makes you happy. Rediscover it in community.

My Vision
My goal is to live, work and play in shared living communities aroung the globe. To have not one but many families to call home.
The lessons learned from living in community are global, humanitarian lessons of mindfulness, sustainability, health and wellness.
I believe there is another model of life that global citizens have not been privi to for generations. At some point in time we were sold our own individual spaces and things to own.
But we are tribal creatures. We thrive in tribe. Indian culture offers this teaching from sharing and supporting each other.
I believe there is another way of life that we can earn a better living and thrive.
Kalen Lewis Hayman
From Toronto to LA, Vancouver, Europe and back my life and career has taken me into the most unexpected places, spaces and communities I would have never imagined. I make a living helping people promote their businesess but what I love most are the little things like cooking, comedy, kids and travel. Things I am trying to focus more on…what makes me happy.